How to Set Bluestacks Mock Location in 2025

Jenefey Aaron

Updated on 04/01/2024 / change location

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Bluestacks works as an Android emulator that lets you easily download any Android app on your PC or Mac. It is mainly used to download and play Android games on PCs and Macs.

But what can you do to download a geo-restricted Android app or game on your PC? In such a situation, you may think can Bluestacks mock location. If yes, then how to enable mock location on Bluestacks? Our detailed guide will teach you about Bluestack's mock location and how to enable this feature. So, let's start!

Part 1: Can You Mock Location on Bluestacks

Yes, with the new Bluestacks 5 version, you can now enjoy location-restricted games seamlessly on your PC. The Bluestacks mock location feature opens new doors for gaming enthusiasts, who can play their favorite games anywhere in the world.

But if you want to use mock location Bluestacks 5, you have to fulfill the system requirements:

  • Bluestacks 5 can be downloaded on Windows 7 and later.
  • Your PC processor must be Intel or AMD.
  • PC RAM must be at least 2GB.
  • More than 5GB of disc space to play games.

Note: Bluestack 5 is not compatible for Mac devices. Mac users can use the older version of Bluestack 4.

Part 2: How to Enable Mock Location on Bluestacks 5

With Bluestacks, you can mock locations anywhere in the world. All you have to do is download the software on your PC. This trick can also be used to Pokemon Go Bluetsacks fake GPS and enjoy your favorite game on PC. With the mock location Bluestack 5, you can change your location using two methods.

Method 1: Search Your Prefered Location

Follow the steps to search your preferred location in Bluestacks.

  • Download Bluestacks 5 on your PC from the official website and wait for installation, which may take some minutes.
  • bluestacks mock location step1
  • Navigate to the toolbar by clicking on the two arrows pointing to the right side of the upper right corner of the screen.
  • bluestacks mock location step 2
  • Now, in the toolbar, click the change location icon or press Ctrl+ Shift+K.
  •  bluestacks mock location step 3
  • Clicking on the set location icon will open the next Window with the Bluestacks map. In the search bar, type the location.
  • bluestacks mock location step 4
  • Type the location address to mock location Bluestacks 5 and click "Search."
  • bluestacks mock location step 5
  • Bluestacks will find your location, and your registered address will appear under the typed location. Now click on the address.
  • bluestacks mock location step 6
  • Now click "Set Location," and your location will be instantly modified.
  • bluestacks mock location step 7

Method 2: Select Your Preferred Location on the Map

Selecting the preferred location on the map is similar to searching for a location. Follow the steps:

Step 1: Open Bluestacks on your PC and navigate to the toolbar.

Step 2: Click the "set location" icon or press Ctrl+Shift+K.

Step 3: In the map, zoom in(+) or zoom out (-). Find your preferred location and click on "Set location."

bluestacks select preffered location

Part 3: How to Fake GPS Location on iOS and Android-iAnyGo

Bluestacks 5 has opened ways of changing location anywhere in the world. However, if you want to fake your location on iOS or Android, you can use the best iPhone location changer, iAnyGo.Tenorshare iAnyGo is compatible with all devices and easy to use.

You don't need to jailbreak or root the device. iAnyGo enhanced features let you set your location anywhere in the world on any device.

Moreover, you can simulate movements with customized walking, cycling, and driving speeds. This feature is best for spoofing in Pokemon Go, where players must keep moving constantly. Another benefit is that it decreases the risk of account bans with real-like movements.

Now follow the steps below to change location with the best GPS spoofer iAnyGo:

  • Download iAnyGo on your computer from the official website of Tenoreshare iAnyGo, and don't change the default mode "Change Location."

  • change location
  • Connect your iOS or Android device to the computer with a USB cable. If you have an Android device, turn on USB debugging before spoofing with iAnyGo. After connecting, unlock your phone and click on "Enter."

  • change location
  • The iAnyGo map will appear on the PC screen. In the iAnyGo map, type the address or GPS coordinates in the search box. Click on "Start to Modify."

  • change location

Related Read: Play Monster Hunter Now on PC with BlueStacks

FAQs About Bluestacks Mock Location

Q1: Does a VPN work on Bluestacks?

Yes, free VPNs work on Bluestacks. However, using a VPN with Bluestacks has some drawbacks. A VPN lowers the game's speed and comes with potential bandwidth limits. Another risk is that your personal data can be shared and sold to anyone.

Q2: Does Bluesatacks Support GPS Joystick?

Bluestacks doesn't offer a GPS joystick feature; however, you can download a GPS joystick tool along with Bluestack.

Q3: How to Disable Bluestacks Mock Location?

It's straightforward to disable mock location in Bluestacks 5. Just open the Bluestacks map where you mock the location. Now click the "Reset" button to revert to your live location.

bluestacks select preffered location


Setting a fake location is now possible with the Bluestack mock location feature. This allows you to play Android games on a PC and enhance gameplay. However, it has some restrictions and is not available for iOS users. The best way to mock a location is to use a GPS spoofer like Tenorshare iAnyGo. It supports iOS and Android devices with a virtual joystick feature. So, give it a try to this fantastic feature-filled app now!

Freely Change GPS Location without Jailbreak!
  • 1-Click to change current location on iPhone
  • Bluetooth Integration for Mac& Win both
  • Easy to simulate GPS movement based on customized route
  • GPS joystick to take better control
  • Import GPX file to start a designed route

Change Location
Tenorshare iAnyGo

iAnyGo-No.1 Free Location Changer for iOS and Android

Change GPS with 1-click, simulate routes, joystick control, no jailbreak!

iAnyGo-No.1 Free Location Changer

1-Click GPS change, joystick, no jailbreak!