Pokémon GO Tips

Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Shiny Comparison And How to Increase Shiny Rates?

by Jenefey Aaron   Updated on 2024-06-28 / Update for  change location

At Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Shiny Comparison, you can expect to find shinies like Shiny Emolga, Shiny Xurkitree, and Shiny Necrozma in specific habitats. The event significantly boosts shiny rates, giving players a better chance of seeing these rare Pokemon.

Special bonuses such as extended lure durations and more special trades also enhance the fest experience. This makes it easier to catch the odds of shiny Pokemon. So, let's jump right in and uncover all the details about the shiny Pokemon making their debut in Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Shiny Comparison.

Pokemon GO Fest 2024 Shiny Comparison

Part 1: What Is The Shiny Debut in Pokemon Go Fest 2024?

Pokemon GO Fest 2024 is set to introduce several exciting new shining Pokemon go across different locations and during the global event. Each in-person event location will debut one new shiny Pokemon. In contrast, the global event will feature one new shiny plus three location-locked shinies, providing more opportunities compared to last year.

The odds of shiny Pokemon encounter at these events are significantly boosted. Typically, shiny rates Pokemon Go are about 1 in 500, but during Pokemon GO Fest 2024, these odds improve to approximately 1 in 50 for certain Pokemon.

For the global event, shiny rate Pokemon go further enhanced to around 1 in 150 or 1 in 250, which is still much better than the usual rates. However, due to habitat-specific spawns, it might still be challenging to find shinies with these boosted odds.

Part 2: What Is the New Shiny in Pokemon Go Fest 2024? Comparison

At Pokemon GO Fest 2024, a lineup of special shiny Pokemon will appear in the wild and in raids. This makes it a highly anticipated event for trainers around the world. With enhanced Pokemon go fest shiny odds, trainers have a better chance of encountering these rare Pokemon.

  • In Sendai, trainers can look forward to encountering Shiny Xurkitree for the first time.
  • In Madrid, the spotlight will be on Shiny Pheromosa.
  • In New York City, trainers will have the chance to catch Shiny Buzzwole.
  • The global event will feature Shiny Jangmo-o alongside these three location-specific shinies.

1. Special Pokemon in The Wild/ in Raids

Here’s a shiny comparison of some of the new shiny Pokemon you can expect to encounter:

Pokemon Norm Shiny Type Weaknesses Notable Attacks
Marshadow Marshadow Ghost/Fighting Ghost/Psychic/ Flying/Fairy Spectral Thief/Shadow Ball
Necrozma Necrozma Shiny Necrozma Psychic Bug/Ghost/Dark Prismatic Laser/Photon Geyser
Umbreon Umbreon Shiny Umbreon Dark Bug/Fairy/Fighting Foul Play/Last Resort
Espeon Espeon Shiny Espeon Psychic Bug/Ghost/Dark Psybeam/Future Sight
Klefki Klefki Shiny Klefki Fairy/Steel Ground/Fire Play Rough/Flash Cannon
Jangmo-o Jangmo-o Shiny Jangmo-o Dragon Ice/Dragon/Fairy Dragon Claw/Sky Uppercut
Nihilego Nihilego Shiny Nihilego Rock/Poison Water/Psychic/Steel/Ground Sludge Bomb/Rock Slide
Buzzwole  Buzzwole Shiny Buzzwole Bug/Fighting Fire/Flying/Psychic/Fairy Lunge/Superpower
Pheromosa Pheromosa Shiny Pheromosa Bug/Fighting Fire/Flying/Psychic/Fairy Bug Buzz/Focus Blast
Xurkitree  Xurkitree Shiny Xurkitree Electric Ground Thunderbolt/Discharge
Celesteela Celesteela Shiny Celesteela Steel/Flying Fire/Electric Heavy Slam/Air Slash
Kartana Kartana Shiny Kartana Grass/Steel Fire/Fighting Leaf Blade/Night Slash
Guzzlord Guzzlord Shiny Guzzlord Dark/Dragon Fighting/Bug/Fairy/Ice/Dragon Dragon Tail/Dark Pulse
Emolga  Emolga Shiny Emolga Electric/Flying Rock/Ice Volt Switch/Aerial Ace

2. Pokemon Go Fest Global Incense Encounters

During Pokemon GO Fest 2024, trainers have the opportunity to encounter the rarest shiny Pokemon Go through global incense shiny odds Pokemon GO. Here’s a look at each of these rare and exciting new shiny Pokemon at GO Fest 2024!

Pokemon Norm Shiny Type Weaknesses Notable Attacks
Maractus Maractus Shiny Maractus Grass Fire/Ice/Poison/Flying/Bug Pin Missile/Solar Beam
Corsola Corsola Shiny Corsola Water/Rock Grass/Electric/Fighting/Ground Bubble Beam/Power Gem
Rockruff Rockruff Shiny Rockruff Rock Water/Grass/Fighting/Ground/Steel Rock Throw/Crunch
Vullaby Vullaby Shiny Vullaby Dark/Flying Electric/Ice/Rock/Fairy Foul Play/Air Slash
Unown Unown Shiny Unown Psychic Bug/Ghost/Dark Hidden Power

Part 3: Where Is Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Taking Place?

Pokemon GO Fest 2024 will happen in several exciting locations around the world. Each location will host unique activities and offer special opportunities for catching various shiny Pokemon, contributing to enhanced go fest shiny odds:

Location Dates/Time
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Sendai, Japan
  • May 30 - June 2
  • 9:30 JST to 18:30 JST
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Madrid, Spain
  • June 14 - June 16
  • 9:00 CEST to 19:00 CEST
Pokemon GO Fest 2024:NYC, USA
  • July 5 - July 7
  • 9:00 ET to 19:00 ET
Pokemon GO Fest 2024: Global
  • July 13 - July 14
  • 10:00 to 18:00 Local Time

These events promise an array of Pokemon encounters, special bonuses, and unique experiences tailored to each city. You'll have increased chances to find shiny Pokemon, often referred to as "GO Fest shiny odds."

The global event, accessible to players everywhere, will feature additional bonuses and the opportunity to catch various shiny Pokemon without the need to travel.

These festivals not only offer great chances to meet fellow Pokemon GO enthusiasts but also to maximize your go fest shiny odds with boosted shiny spawns throughout the event periods.

Bounce Tips: How to Increase Pokemon Go Fest 2024 Shiny Odds?

Catching shiny Pokemon can be quite challenging due to their low spawn rates. However, during Pokemon GO Fest 2024, the odds of shiny Pokemon are significantly boosted. This provides a great opportunity to catch these rare versions of your favorite Pokemon.

To further enhance your chances, participating in multiple fest events across different locations can be beneficial. Moreover, using location spoofing tools like iAnyGo can help you participate in fest activities from the comfort of your home.

Here's how to use iAnyGo to increase your odds of shiny Pokemon during the event:

  • Change Location: Start by setting your device’s location to the coordinates of the Pokemon GO Fest event you wish to attend. This allows you to access event-specific Pokemon spawns from anywhere in the world.

  • click enter on ianygo
  • Jump Teleport GPS Location: Use the jump teleport feature to move virtually between different locations within the fest area. This is particularly useful for quickly checking various spawn points and habitats where rare shinies are likely to appear.

    Modify Speed:
  • Scan Pokestops and Gyms: While virtually positioned at the fest, make sure to interact with Pokestops and gyms. This increases your chances of encountering shiny Pokemon, as these locations are hotspots for high activity and spawns during the event.

    change location on ianygo

By following these steps, you can maximize your odds of shiny Pokemon during Pokemon GO Fest 2024 from any location. Always use such tools responsibly to maintain the spirit of fair play.

Video Guide: Pokémon GO Auto Scan PokéStop & Gym Guide

Final Words

Pokemon GO Fest 2024 is set to be a thrilling event for trainers worldwide. It will offer the chance to catch rare shiny Pokemon in diverse locations like Sendai, Madrid, and NYC, and it will be a global event accessible from anywhere. With improved Pokemon Go Fest 2024 shiny comparison odds, participants have a higher chance of encountering these special Pokemon.

For those seeking to enhance their fest experience from home, consider using iAnyGo to change your GPS location and join in the fun virtually. Discover more about how you can maximize your Pokemon GO adventures by visiting Tenorshare. Happy hunting, trainers! May your Pokemon GO Fest 2024 be filled with exciting adventures and shiny captures!

Related read Pokémon GO Fest 2024 Full Guide

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