Tenorshare MyCommerce Commissions Extending Rules
Effective Date: 12/20/2020
This MyCommerce Commissions Extending rules are entered by and between Tenorshare (Vendor ID: 200199091) and ANY Affiliate who have joined Tenorshare MyCommerce Affiliate programs. Tenorshare and the Affiliate agree as follows:
1. Extend Commissions
To avoid any fraudulent transactions, Tenorshare shall extend commissions in order to take additional time to review the transactions, which will prevent them from locking in the current locking cycle.
All orders happening in a given month are locked 1 month(s) and 15 day(s) after the end of the month. For example, if a transaction occurred on May 15th, it will be locked on July 15th.
There are several valid reasons Tenorshare have for extending commisisons:
- The customer returned the item
- The customer canceled their order
- An invalid credit card was used to place the order
- Fraudulent transactions
2. MyCommerce Team Ensure the Quality of the Affiliate Network
- Monitors all traffic and transactions for potential fraud or violations.
- Maintains the quality of publishers in the network.
- Uses a combination of technology and hands-on experience to review traffic quality and adherence to affiliate brand guidelines.
- Reviews all new publishers before they receive their first payouts to make sure each publishers meets high standards.
- Provides ongoing monitoring of the network for any suspicious or fraudulent activity.
MyCommerce team takes instances of fraud and other suspicious behavior very seriously and shall take action against parties engaging in activities that violate the network's terms of use.
If a publisher’s actions indicate fraudulent activity or violate any of the stated program term policies, Tenorshare and MyCommerce team will take the information provided and investigate the situation and review the publisher to determine if a violation can be verified. If a violation is verified, the affiliate will be removed from MyCommerce affiliate network and all commissions will be reversed.
Tenorshare Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved.
We reserve the right to remove any affiliate membership and/or withholding commissions in accordance with the behavior of affiliates and in compliance with our Terms of Service