Troubleshooting Guide for Calls Going Straight to Voicemail Android?
All of my incoming calls are going straight to voicemail as if my phone is off when it's not. Do Not Disturb is not on and I've reset my phone as well as resetting network settings."
One issue that some Android users have been running into lately is their calls going straight to voicemail Android. If this is happening to you, too, and you cannot pick up your calls because they go straight to your voicemail, you need to fix the underlying issue to prevent your calls from directly reaching your voicemail.
There are many setting options that can change the call behavior on your phone. If you are not sure why are my calls going straight to voicemail Android, the following guide describes some of the possible methods to fix this problem on your Android phone.
- 1. Did You Have "Forward Calls to Voicemail" Enabled?
- 2. Did You Have "Call Barring" Disabled?
- 3. Did You Add the Numbers in Auto Reject List
- 4. Did You Have "Bluetooth" Disabled?
- 5. Did You Have "Do Not Disturb" Disabled?
- 6. Are You in The Network Coverage with Your Carrier?
- 7. Did Your SIM Card Shift or Damage?
- Bonus Tips. How to Recover Lost Calls on Android Phone without Root?
1. Did You Have "Forward Calls to Voicemail" Enabled?
One of the reasons your phone goes straight to voicemail is that you have the call forwarding option enabled on your device. This option must be disabled if you want to be able to pick up calls on your phone.
- Launch the Phone app, tap the three-dots at the top, and select Settings.
- Select Calling accounts and then choose your SIM card.
Tap Call forwarding and ensure the option is turned off.
Your calls should not be forwarded anymore on your phone.
2. Did You Have "Call Barring" Disabled?
Calling barring is yet another reason your phone goes straight to voicemail iPhone. To fix this issue, you can disable the call barring option on your device.
- Head into Phone app > Settings > Calling accounts and choose your SIM card.
Tap Call barring and ensure the option is turned off.
That should fix the call issue on your phone.
3. Did You Add the Numbers in Auto Reject List
If it is certain phone numbers whose calls are going straight to your voicemail, you might have added those numbers into your block or auto-reject list.
You can verify that as follows and potentially fix the phone goes straight to voicemail without ringing issue.
- Open the Phone app, tap the three-dots at the top-right, and select Settings.
- Tap Blocked numbers.
Ensure the phone number you are getting calls from is not listed here.
You should start getting calls once you have unblocked the caller’s phone number.
4. Did You Have "Bluetooth" Disabled?
Sometimes, your phone thinks that you are connected to a Bluetooth device even though you have already disconnected from the device. One way to get around this and to fix my phone goes straight to voicemail is to disable Bluetooth completely on your phone.
- Pull down from the top of your phone’s screen.
Tap the Bluetooth icon to turn Bluetooth off.
See if you can now receive calls.
5. Did You Have "Do Not Disturb" Disabled?
Do Not Disturb must be disabled in order to receive calls on your device. While enabling and disabling this option is pretty easy on most phones, you will need to toggle a certain option on Google’s Pixel phone.
On a Pixel phone, you need to open the Voice app, tap the menu, select Settings, and then choose Do Not Disturb. Then, tap the Calendar option and ensure your working hours are properly specified.
6. Are You in The Network Coverage with Your Carrier?
It might be as simple a thing as you are not in your coverage area and so your calls are being routed to your voicemail.
Make sure you have proper network coverage on your phone.
7. Did Your SIM Card Shift or Damage?
You might want to check your SIM card and see if it is physically damaged or if it has been improperly inserted into your phone.
Pull out the SIM card tray and fix the position of the card. Then, check if you can receive calls.
If the SIM card is damaged, reach out to your carrier and ask them to replace the card.
Bonus Tips. How to Recover Lost Calls on Android Phone without Root?
The my phone goes straight to voicemail Samsung issue can actually make you lose many calls on your device. If this has made you lose any call entries from your call log, you can use a dedicated tool to recover your lost calls.
Tenorshare UltData for Android is a superb tool to recover many types of data on your Android device. You can use this tool to recover your call logs as well, and that too without having root-access on your phone.
The following shows how to recover lost calles with this program.
Plug-in your Android device to your computer using a USB cable. Run the above mentioned tool and click Recover Lost Data in it.
Turn on USB debugging on your device, if you have not already done so. Tick Call History since you want to recover call logs, and then click Start.
Choose the calls you would like to recover, and click Recover at the bottom-right corner.
The tool should recover your chosen calls on your device. To avoid further data loss, you’d better backup call history on Android phone regularly.
Your phone calls going straight to voicemail can actually make you lose many important calls. If you are frustrated by this issue and cannot find a way out, the guide above should help you fix this problem without much hassle. Your calls will then arrive directly on your phone.
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